• Girl in a jacket
    Dear members of the Fallout 76 community,

    We would like to make it clear that our community is not affiliated with Bethesda or the Fallout franchise in any way. We are simply a group of fans who enjoy playing the game and discussing it with others. We strive to create a helpful and welcoming environment for all our members, and we hope that you will continue to enjoy being part of our community.

    Thank you for your understanding.

Official Fallout76.org Site Rules

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Staff member

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May 6, 2024
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As this is an interactive website, we welcome your comments and contributions. However, we kindly ask every participant to adhere to a simple set of guidelines that are outlined below. The purpose of these guidelines is to safeguard the unique ethos of this community, which is based on sensible, supportive and reasoned discussions.

By signing up for this site, you agree to comply with the rules that are stated in this post. The administrators reserve the right to remove and block individuals who persist in ignoring these rules from accessing the site.

Breaking any of the rules that are marked with a red asterisk will lead to an instant ban.

1.* Our website has a zero-tolerance policy for spamming. Any user caught spamming will be immediately removed and their IP will be banned from signing up again.

2. We have a zero-tolerance policy for trolls. Any attempts to troll or create a disturbance will result in the immediate deletion of your content.

3. Our website is a friendly and professional community. We do not tolerate excessive rudeness. If any member, host, or admin is being actively offended, the posts will be deleted or edited with a notification.

4. Please refrain from posting anything that is deemed 'off topic' or deviates from the main subject of the thread. If you come across any interesting information about Fallout, please do not share it randomly on a thread. Instead, create a new forum post or discussion in the relevant group to share it with the community here. This way, the community can easily find and participate in the discussion related to the specific topic.

5.* Posting pornographic images or links or endorsing illegal activities is prohibited.

6. We understand that swearing can be a part of expressing oneself, however, we do not tolerate any form of derogatory language that targets an individual or group based on their race, gender, or sexual orientation. Such language will be promptly removed or edited without any prior warning. We value a community that promotes respectful and inclusive communication.

7. Please ensure that all discussions and posts on this site are appropriate for the community. This is a platform for discussing Fallout, video games and engaging in casual and friendly conversations. Please refrain from discussing topics that are political, religious, or social in nature. Any discussions that are deemed too controversial or political will be removed.

8.* Do not repost content from this site if it is not yours, if you do not have explicit permission to repost it or if you do not give proper credit for it in the repost.

Failing to follow this rule will result in an immediate ban.

In addition, here are some notes about the rules:

We welcome your feedback on the site and encourage you to post your concerns in the site feedback thread. We will address your issues promptly. Additionally, if you have any concerns regarding how your content has been handled by a Host or Admin, please feel free to post them there as well.

If a member finds any content that is offensive or inappropriate in any way, they can bring it to the attention of a Host or an Admin. Upon receiving a complaint, the Host or Admin will thoroughly review the content in question. If the content violates any of the rules and policies of the platform, the Host or Admin will take appropriate action such as removing the content or editing it with a warning to prevent any further violation of the policies. The primary objective is to ensure that all members of the platform feel safe, respected, and valued.

The Site Hosts and Admins hold the complete authority to ensure that these rules are followed and may take prompt action if they are violated in any way. We take adherence to these rules very seriously and strive to maintain a safe and fair environment for everyone involved.

It is of utmost importance that you adhere to the guidelines provided to you while using The fallout76.org. These guidelines have been put in place to ensure that all users can enjoy their experience while using the platform. In the event that you fail to follow the guidelines, the site hosts may take strict action by removing any content you have posted or, in severe cases, your account. It is crucial that you take these guidelines seriously to avoid any inconvenience or loss of privileges.

"Your cooperation in these matters is greatly appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to read this."

The Admin Team
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